We’re in the final stretch of our series; This fourth workout is a Pull Day workout for the upper body.

Pull Day workouts consist of (literally) pulling exercises. The core compound exercises of this day are deadlifts, rows, and pull-ups, all of which target the muscles of the back, as well as the biceps and shoulders. Our first upper body day (Push Day) primarily hit the lateral (side) and anterior (front) heads of the deltoids (shoulder muscles), while this workout will mostly target the posterior (rear) deltoids.

The Guide

Just like the previous guides, this template will include Compound exercises, Unilateral exercises, and Isolation exercises for a well-rounded workout. For more information on these types of exercises and the differences between them, reference the intro post!

Building a strong back helps us to maintain good posture, which can prevent neck and shoulder pain, as well as having carryover to most exercises in the gym. In addition to general good posture, a strong back will also help prevent Upper Crossed Syndrome, a distorted posture in which overactive muscles cause under active muscles to be shortened and tight. For a video demo on corrective stretching and strengthening exercises to combat this condition, join my free Facebook community by clicking the banner below!

Join the Live a Little Collective, a private accountability group.

As a reminder, this series is not a substitution for a structured program or personal trainer, but rather a supplement to them. Although abdominal workouts are not mentioned in the guides, they should not be neglected. If you would like more information on training the abs, leave a comment below or, better yet, leave a comment in Revive to let me know!

Not So Fast!

This may be the last workout in our Legs/Push/Legs/Pull workout split, but this series has one last piece: How to Build the Perfect TOTAL BODY WORKOUT! Come back next week for the guide!

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